How to Sell Something on “San Diego Craigslist”

Hey, guys! Bill is a San Diego Craigslist member. Today, I will be talking about selling on Craigslist. Craigslist is a site that allows you to view and post local ads.

How to Sell on San Diego Craigslist

It works in a similar way to the classifieds section of the newspaper, but it is completely free. It can be a little confusing if you have never sold anything on Craigslist before. We’ll show you how to post a Craigslist item for sale.

How to Post on San Diego Craigslist

Your web browser will allow you to locate and select the post classifiers in the upper left corner. Select the type that you wish to make. In this case, I am selling an old bicycle. Next, select a category to sell your item. If I’m selling a bicycle, I’ll choose bikes.

You will see the main posting page. Pay particular attention to the contact information section at the top. You can use the San Diego Craigslist mail relay option. For this, you will only need to enter your email address. This creates an email address temporary that will be sent to your inbox. It is not recommended that you enter your phone number. You can now enter the title, desired price and information about the item in your posting body.

It is important to provide as much information as possible. You can also include information about the item’s make, model number, manufacturer, and condition. You can now share the exact location of your item on a Google map. However, we recommend that you keep this information confidential for now. Once you are satisfied, click on the Continue button. You should see the image uploader page.

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Here you can add a picture of the item. We highly recommend this. Click the Add Images button to get started. You will see a dialog box that allows you to locate and select photos from your computer. You can view the images and preview them. To change the main image associated with your post, click and drag any image towards the top or far left. Once you are done, click Done with Images. A preview of the posting should be displayed. You can take a look at it all to ensure that it is exactly what you want, then click on publish.

You will need to verify the email address that you have provided, and then search for messages from San Diego Craigslist. After you have opened the message, find and click the first link that you see. This will take to you to the confirmation page for posting. After accepting the terms of Craigslist, your item will be published. So now, what? Basically, you need to wait for someone to contact you about your posting.

As we suggested, you should receive messages regarding your posting from Craigslist via your email. Depending on what item you are selling, people may have questions or simply want to see the item in person. This step is the most crucial in the selling process. It doesn’t even require Craigslist. You will need to arrange a meeting with the person you are interested in, allow them to see the item and then decide if they would like to buy it.

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We recommend that you meet up in public places when meeting for a craigslist buffalo sales. It is also a good idea to do this during daylight hours. Never invite anyone to your home. Another thing to note about San Diego Craigslist selling stuff: Use cash if at all possible.

Never accept wire transfers or personal checks. You will need to return to Craigslist’s original email address to delete your posting after you have sold the item. These are the basics of selling something on Craigslist. I hope you found this video helpful. For more Craigslist selling tips, check out the rest.