Food Ad Slogans for Google AdWords

Savvy gourmet food retailers who want to get found on the internet for their boutique food products look to to create amazingly effective Google AdWords campaigns. Whether it’s setting up paid search advertising for their online gourmet icecream gifts, craft cookie gifts, or even alternative foods like home-grown lion’s mane mushrooms or organically brewed spirulina kombucha, shoppers are more likely to find and buy after searching for it on Google.


Growing up you fell in love with certain foods, and even when you walk past the branded cereal boxes in the grocery store, those food ad slogans probably sing away in your unconscious. If you’re a big brand food giant selling specialty items online, then leveraging these recognizable, trusted slogans.

For mid-sized specialty food ecommerce retailers, there are other ways to write great Google Adwords copy. There’s only a few lines, but the first should really be the hook to tempt searchers to read the rest of your ad. If you put your brand in that first line, then it should be short enough to fit other copy there, or one that is instantly recognizable for the exact product searchers want.

Let’s say you sell cookies and buyers can pick any gourmet flavor cookie which your chefs custom create, especially for customers. You know your customers don’t usually buy these cookies for themselves, but as custom food gifts, so you appeal to that as well with a line.

Here’s what your Google AdWords ad might look like:

Custom Craft Cookies‎

Give the Taste of Cookies.

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Customize your Flavor.


You can also use that last line as a call to action (call now, learn more, act now 30% off, etc) Of course, this is just one ad, and in a full campaign you end up creating as many as 40 under very strategic ad groups, and test them over time, re-write the ones that don’t work, etc. You’ll also use SEO for creating your ads and much of the copy keywords will depend on keywords you’re using on the landing page (to achieve good quality scores, etc.). So, there’s a lot more to consider beyond just writing great food ad slogans here.

For more ideas on creating PPC ad campaigns and food ad slogans for your specialty food ecommerce store, visit